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Check lists and to-do lists are a good way to keep your tasks aligned.
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Covid-19 and the Upsurge of Task Management Tools

The ways we manage tasks and projects have changed drastically post Covid-19 pandemic. This virus outbreak showed us that we can work seamlessly irrespective of geographical borders and one of the best ways to keep ourselves accountable is through task management tools. Task management tools have been around for a while but during this pandemic, its use has increased exponentially.

What is a Task Management Tool?

A task management tool put simply is a software or application that acts as a means of managing, tracking and measuring your progress for any task or goal. Task management tools can be a part of project management tools as well. Project management tools cover a wider spectrum and are targeted for project managers and teams.

Types of Task Management Tools?

Task management tools come in all shapes and sizes, and some are specialized for certain industries and sectors. These are customized and designed with certain features and functions that help teams achieve those niche objectives.

There are other tools that are more versatile. These cater to professionals and personal users and have a wide range of features that help individuals stay on track with their goals. Some tools have more goal-oriented features while others may have to do more with to-do lists and task lists. Whatever the case is, these tools help people stay in check and have measurable success with their goals.

Covid-19 Pandemic and Task Management Tools

Remote work was widely used during the Covid-19 outbreak and is here to stay. The nature of this outbreak urged us to stay at home and keep our businesses afloat with the help of modern technologies and resources. A large part of these resources was task management and project management tools.

While life has moved onto the new normal, hybrid work setups have won the hearts of businesses and so have task management tools. Research showed that 77% of higher performing projects implemented forms of task management software. Furthermore, these tools can integrate with applications like Microsoft Teams that allow teams to communicate with ease.

Other than the obvious advantages, there are also other benefits of implementing task management tools within your business practices. The advantages of task management tools are shown in the figure below.  

Wrapping Things Up

This pandemic taught us quite a lot. It taught us to adapt to changes, go beyond geographical borders and to stick together to keep economies sustaining. It also showed us that technology is no longer an option but a necessity. Task management tools have proven to be exceptionally useful across various industry verticals and this industry is expected to grow in the future. So, choose the perfect task management tool to make your business more productive and accountable.

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