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Check lists and to-do lists are a good way to keep your tasks aligned.
Covid-19 and the Upsurge of Task Management Tools

The ways we manage tasks and projects have changed drastically post Covid-19 pandemic. This virus outbreak showed us that we can work seamlessly irrespective of geographical borders and one of the best ways to keep ourselves accountable is through task management tools. Task management tools have been around for a while but during this pandemic, […]

This is a diagram that shows the ways in which employee productivity can be increased without breaking the bank.
Increasing Employee Productivity Without Breaking the Bank

Your employees are the heart and soul of your company. Retaining their productivity and motivation is key for achieving company goals and objectives. Nevertheless, this is not as easy as it seems. In fact, studies have shown that the average employee works for less than 3 hours daily. Now that is not a lot of […]